Credico is constantly winning and retaining customers for their clients. Part of their success is owed to understanding the decision-making process that different customers go through.
Understanding buyer decision-making has become a central consideration for businesses that want to enhance their marketing, branding, customer relations, and sales. Before courting a potential sale prospect, all successful brands must be aware that each consumer will have a different buying journey, so bringing them to the point of sale will differ.
For example, consumers are more likely to make an impulse buy (low-involvement decision) on a lower-budget item (perhaps $20) when compared to the market decision involved with purchasing a new and expensive car (high-involvement decision).
Low-involvement decisions are straightforward, low-risk, repetitive, and often lead from habit.
Since the financial, social, and psychological risks are not nearly as significant in these decisions, they are easier for the consumer to make.
With purchase decisions like this, a consumer de-prioritizes taking any additional time and effort to seek out alternatives and compare products.
High involvement decisions are more critical to the buyer and involve some risks to the consumer.
These may include financial risk (highly-priced), social risk (products important to their peer group), or psychological risk (the wrong decision could cause the consumer anxiety). Consumers generally feel it is worth the time and energy needed to research and carefully consider solution alternatives in making these decisions.
In these cases, the buyer goes through a thorough information gathering process across multiple sources, evaluates options, and invests more time making the best decision. It’s important to note that a high-involvement buying decision will likely be a longer decision-making process and, therefore, a longer buying cycle. Credico considers this when developing a sales strategy for clients.
Credico assesses the potential risks that a consumer could be considering so they can help get clients the results they desire. When these concerns are addressed, the consumer is more likely to complete a purchase, and clients are left happy with the volume of quality leads and sales.
Do you require a sales agency that understands your customers’ buying process? Get in touch.