Why Direct Sales is Still Relevant in the Age of Digital Technology

As customer interactions become increasingly automated, something is missing from their experience with your business. If you're missing out on personal interactions, direct sales can bring it back.


March 30, 2023


Insights, Global

Direct sales is still relevant and necessary in the age of digital technology because it offers unique advantages that digital channels cannot replicate. While digital technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and conduct business, outsourced sales broker Credico suggests it cannot completely replace the value of face-to-face interactions and personal connections.

In the digital age, it’s easy to feel like we’re more connected than ever before. We can send a message to someone on the other side of the world in seconds or catch up with a friend from high school on social media. But something is missing from these interactions: the personal touch. Direct sales, with its emphasis on face-to-face interactions, fills that gap.

One of the primary benefits of direct sales is the ability to create a customized, in-person experience for each customer. By meeting with customers in person, sales agents can get to know them on a deeper level, learning about their goals, challenges, and preferences. This helps create a sense of loyalty and trust that is difficult to replicate through digital channels alone.

Credico, an outsourced sales broker based in Chicago, works with Fortune 500 businesses to determine if outsourcing would benefit their growth ambitions.

“Our services are tailored to our clients’ unique challenges and solving the problems that their customers face in saying ‘yes’ to new contracts,” says Ian Attwood, CEO of Credico UK.

An advantage of direct sales is the ability to address customer concerns and objections in real time. Rather than waiting for an email response or phone call, customers can get immediate feedback and support from a direct sales agent. This can help build confidence and trust in the sales process and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Credico advocates that direct sales can create more meaningful and impactful sales interactions. By meeting with customers in person, sales agents can demonstrate their products or services in a way that digital channels cannot replicate. They can provide hands-on demonstrations, answer questions in real time, and provide immediate feedback and support. This can create a more engaging and memorable customer experience and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Credico agrees that while digital technology has transformed the way we communicate and conduct business, direct sales is still relevant and necessary in the age of digital technology. By offering a personalized, in-person experience, building personal connections and long-term relationships, addressing customer concerns and objections in real time, and creating more meaningful and impactful sales interactions, direct sales can help businesses to stand out in a crowded marketplace and build a loyal customer base.

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